After school clubs - enrichment and wraparound care
General information
All parents, from Reception upwards, can sign their child up to after school club care. September Reception parents can book sessions now for September 6th onwards. Pupils entering Years 1 - 5 in September can book sessions now for September 4th onwards.
Timings are: 3:30 – 4:30pm, 4:30 – 6pm or 3:30 – 6pm. All bookings and communications must be made with TASS. Please read the full information attached in the PDF.
How to book and clubs available - TA Sport Stars
After School enrichment clubs
Alongside After School wraparound care, we also offer range of After School Enrichment clubs (Monday - Friday). Most are offered by TASS. In the Spring term and beyond, staff-led after school clubs will also be available. More information will follow.
We also provide Music lessons - Dan (Picks n Sticks) each Monday and Friday - Guitar and Drums and piano lessons with Jim Mitchell each Monday and Wednesday. Choir also takes place weekly for children in Key Stage 2.
We work in partnership with our private club providers but we cannot guarantee that clubs offered will run unless the minimum sign up has been required.
Important information:
- Dismissal - All club dismissals will be from the main entrance. Please do check the finishing times on the club timetable. Please be considerate when parking and driving near the school. Please park in the visitor car park to the right of the school where possible when picking up.
- Kits - If your child is in an after school club that requires changing into a PE kit, please remember to ensure a PE kit is in school on the specific day (this applies to most sport-based clubs). Some clubs may require change of footwear only so please ensure the children have outside trainers available.
- Snacks - We appreciate it’s a longer day for the pupils taking part in after school clubs and are happy for them to bring to school an additional snack to have either before or during the club.
- All clubs must be signed up for and paid for as directed by the company
- Inclusion and fun is the most important aspect of all our clubs; we want every child to enjoy their experience at every extra-curricular activity, and this to contribute positively on their time at school. Discriminatory language such as racism or homophobia will not be tolerated.
- If your child signs up for a club and usually attends a TASS After School club, you can then book Regular After School Club. Children will be taken straight there after their other club has finished and remain there until you pick them up at, or before, 6pm.
We anticipate clubs will be busy so we kindly ask fees are paid on time to avoid losing the place which may be offered to the next child on the waiting list. We work in partnership with our private club providers but we cannot guarantee that clubs offered will run unless the minimum sign up has been required.