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Primary Academy


Our PE approach, in partnership with TA Sport Stars, strives to deliver the National Curriculum objectives for PE through lessons that are engaging, fresh and always dedicated to actively progressing our children’s physical, social and creative skills. At Wantage Primary Academy, we focus on 12-13 different sports which are revisited every other year to ensure that the children have the opportunity to develop the national curriculum objectives by becoming more-able and understanding of the different sports that they’re regularly exposed to and the progressive skills within them. We plan for children to speak about the different sports with correct terminology and to approach their movements in the correct manner to maximise their progression while ensuring their own and others’ safety in the process.



Our planning breaks down each lesson’s focus into three, manageable skills (success criteria) which provides children with a clear road map for every PE lesson that they take part in. Children are then expected to be able to verbalise what they’re doing, while they are doing it, to structure their approach to a sport and to support them in progressing through an activity in a way that helps but also challenges them. All lessons expect the children to warm-up and stretch correctly before they start the first of two main activities that link directly to their focus sport. While a key goal is to ensure maximum buy in and participation, we also understand the need for healthy competition and such competition always features in every lesson. It goes without saying that all of the fundamental movement expectations from the National Curriculum are at the bedrock of all that we do in our PE lessons.


The two documents: KS1 and KS2 booklets indicate the way in which lessons are devised and the diagrams provide very clear information about positioning, skill, set up and objectives in a weekly breakdown. The Long-Term PE Curriculum Overview sets out the PE Units/Activities which are to be taught each half term throughout the year and ensures that the requirements of the National Curriculum are fully met. The emphasis of our PE curriculum is inclusion for all children regardless of sporting ability. All children are taught by a qualified PE specialist throughout the year. We also have an annual House Sports’ Day which we invite parents to with a focus on skills development, participation and healthy competition. Competing with and alongside others fosters a sense of team spirit and cooperation amongst our children



As a result of our PE curriculum, children are confident in a range of skills and games. At WPA, our PE lessons are fun, enjoyable and challenging and all children can achieve, to the best of their ability, in a supportive, safe and stimulating environment.  Our pupils are physically active, and this has a positive impact on their learning in the classroom. Children understand how to lead a healthy lifestyle and understand the importance of regular exercise and activity for their physical and mental wellbeing. We aspire for all children to enjoy PE and develop a love of sport and physical activity, which then becomes part of their future life outside of primary school. Children have opportunities to participate in sport after school in a series of clubs. IN PE, we also measure impact by:

  • Regular learning walks
  • Pupil voice
  • PE Premium spend analysis
  • Analysis of participation at after school clubs and competitions
Belong, Believe, Achieve